About me

A snowy self-portrait.

I'm currently a postdoctoral researcher in computational methods for wind and renewables systems engineering at the National Renewable Energy Lab.

I received my Ph.D. in Aeronautics & Astronautics at MIT. My research advisor is Prof. David Darmofal and the Aerospace Computational Design Lab. Together, we worked on applying advanced finite element methods to unsteady fluid flow problems in computational fluid dynamics.

Outside of work, I do quite a few things. Before the pandemic, I was a bartender and door person at the student pub, for one. I also have done a little bit of baseball analytics. On weekends (and when I'm not working on a side hustle), I like to rock climb, snowboard, and– generally– be outside or in the mountains. Finally, to relax, I like to play and listen to music, play chess, and do sports.

On this page, I have elucidated some of the principles that guide my work and life. For the squares, my resume can be found here.

Anyway, thanks for coming to my site. See you around.